SIEM-driven Analysis of DDI and ADC Logs

Stream core service logs to SIEM for valuable analysis


Discovering patterns, detecting threats, and enhancing performance.

When DNS (Domain Name System), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and ADC (Application Delivery Controller) logs are streamed to a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, several analysis tasks can be performed to enhance security and operational insights.

Enhanced Security Monitoring

Enhanced Security Monitoring

  • Streaming DNS, DHCP, and ADC logs to a SIEM enables organizations to perform in-depth analysis, detect patterns, and identify security threats, allowing timely responses to potential attacks.
Improved Incident Response

Improved Incident Response

  • Analyzing DNS, DHCP, and ADC logs in a SIEM system provides valuable insights into network activity. It helps organizations quickly detect and respond to security incidents.
Optimized Network Infrastructure

Optimized Network Infrastructure

  • SIEM analysis of DNS, DHCP, and ADC logs uncovers performance bottlenecks, load imbalances, and anomalies. This information enables organizations to optimize their network infrastructure.
Business Agility and Resilience

Business Agility and Resilience

  • By leveraging SIEM analysis of core network service logs, organizations can proactively address security vulnerabilities, optimize network operations, and ensure smooth application delivery.
DNS Analysis
  • DNS Traffic Monitoring: SIEM can analyze DNS logs to identify patterns and anomalies in DNS traffic. This includes monitoring for excessive or abnormal DNS queries, detecting DNS amplification attacks, and identifying potential DNS tunneling activities.
  • Domain Reputation and Blacklisting: SIEM can cross-reference DNS queries against known malicious domain lists or reputation databases to identify any communication with suspicious or blacklisted domains. This helps in detecting potential malware infections or communication with malicious infrastructure.
  • DNS Cache Poisoning Detection: SIEM can monitor DNS logs for signs of cache poisoning attempts or unauthorized modifications to DNS records. This analysis helps identify potential DNS spoofing attacks and take appropriate countermeasures.
  • DNS Traffic Analysis for Data Exfiltration: SIEM can analyze DNS logs to detect unusual or large-sized DNS queries, which could indicate attempts to exfiltrate data covertly using DNS channels. This helps identify potential data leakage or unauthorized data transfers.
DHCP Analysis
  • DHCP Lease Tracking: SIEM can monitor DHCP logs to track IP address assignments and identify any suspicious or unauthorized DHCP activity. This includes detecting unauthorized DHCP servers or identifying devices with abnormal lease durations or frequent IP address changes.
  • Rogue DHCP Server Detection: SIEM can analyze DHCP logs to identify rogue DHCP servers on the network. Unauthorized DHCP servers can lead to IP address conflicts, potential Man-in-the-Middle attacks, or unauthorized network access.
  • DHCP Traffic Anomalies: SIEM can detect anomalies in DHCP traffic, such as a high volume of DHCP requests from a single MAC address or irregular DHCP renewal patterns. These anomalies may indicate DHCP-related attacks or compromised devices.
ADC Analysis
  • Load Balancer Performance Monitoring: SIEM can analyze ADC logs to monitor the performance and health of load balancers. This includes tracking server response times, identifying bottlenecks, and detecting any deviations from expected load balancing behavior.
  • Traffic Distribution Analysis: SIEM can analyze ADC logs to understand traffic distribution patterns across backend servers. This helps identify potential load imbalances, anomalies, or traffic spikes that may indicate DDoS attacks or other abnormal traffic behavior.
  • SSL/TLS Certificate Monitoring: SIEM can monitor ADC logs for SSL/TLS certificate-related events, such as certificate expirations, revocations, or changes in certificate configurations. This helps ensure proper certificate management and identify potential security risks.
  • Application Performance Analysis: SIEM can analyze ADC logs in conjunction with application logs to gain insights into application performance. This includes tracking response times, detecting errors or anomalies, and correlating application performance with backend server behavior.

By streaming DNS, DHCP, and ADC logs to a SIEM and performing analysis on the collected data, organizations can gain valuable insights into network activity, detect security threats, and optimize their network infrastructure and application delivery. These analysis tasks contribute to enhanced security monitoring, incident response, and overall network performance management.