Utilize Google Cloud using TCPWave DDI

Google Cloud
On Demand DNS Power

Want to increase your DNS power to match up the query volume spike? Using TCPWave pre-built DNS images for the Google Cloud Platform, you can do that. With TCPWave pre-built DNS images, you can launch any number of instances as you desire in your Google cloud with a simple mouse click. It's also effortless to destroy the DNS instances that are not required anymore in the same manner. Thus, you never have to worry about any unexpected DNS spikes causing service outages.

Leverage Google DNS

Like any other cloud platform, Google offers DNS services on its public cloud. TCPWave allows you to manage Google DNS services from its IPAM interface. You can create several DNS zones and add or edit or delete resource records in them using TCPWave IPAM.  Contact us to learn more.

Google Cloud